Chapter 11

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A deceitful balance is an abomination before the Lord: and a just weight is his will.
2 Where pride is, there also shall be reproach:but where humility is, there also is wisdom.
3 The simplicity of the just shall guide them: and the deceitfulness of the wicked shall destroy them.
4 Riches shall not profit in the day of revenge:but justice shall deliver from death.

5 The justice of the upright shall make his way prosperous: and the wicked man shall fall by his own wickedness.
6 The justice of the righteous shall deliver them: and the unjust shall be caught in their own snares.
7 When the wicked man is dead, there shall be no hope any more: and the expectation of the solicitous shall perish.
8 The just is delivered out of distress: and the wicked shall be given up for him.
9 The dissembler with his mouth deceiveth his friend: but the just shall be delivered by knowledge.
10 When it goeth well with the just, the city shall rejoice: and when the wicked perish, there shall be praise.
11 By the blessing of the just the city shall be exalted: and by the mouth of the wicked it shall be overthrown.
12 He that despiseth his friend, is mean of heart: but the wise man will hold his peace.
13 He that walketh deceitfully, revealeth secrets: but he that is faithful, concealeth the thing committed to him by his friend.
14 Where there is no governor, the people shall fall: but there is safety where there is much counsel.
15 He shall be afflicted with evil, that is surety for a stranger: but he that is aware of snares, shall be secure.
16 A gracious woman shall find glory: and the strong shall have riches.
17 A merciful man doth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel casteth off even his own kindred.
18 The wicked maketh an unsteady work: but to him that soweth justice, there is a faithful reward.
19 Clemency prepareth life: and the pursuing of evil things, death.
20 A perverse heart is abominable to the Lord:and his will is in them that walk sincerely.
21 Hand in hand the evil man shall not be innocent: but the seed of the just shall be saved.
22 A golden ring in a swine’s snout, a woman fair and foolish.
23 The desire of the just is all good, the expectation of the wicked is indignation.
24 Some distribute their own goods, and grow richer: others take away what is not their own, and are always in want.
25 The soul that blesseth, shall be made fat: and he that inebriateth, shall be inebriated also himself.
26 He that hideth up corn, shall be cursed among the people: but a blessing upon the head of them that sell.
27 Well doth he rise early who seeketh good things; but he that seeketh after evil things, shall be oppressed by them.
28 He that trusteth in his riches shall fall: but the just shall spring up as a green leaf.
29 He that troubleth his own house, shall inherit the winds: and the fool shall serve the wise.

30 The fruit of the just man is a tree of life:and he that gaineth souls is wise.
31 If the just man receive in the earth, how much more the wicked and the sinner.



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Posted in Book of Proverbs.

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