Chapter 57

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Unto the end, destroy not, for David, for an inscription of a title.
2 If in very deed ye speak justice: judge right things, ye sons of men.
3 For in your heart you work iniquity: your hands forge injustice in the earth.
4 The wicked are alienated from the womb; they have gone astray from the womb: they have spoken false things.
5 Their madness is according to the likeness of a serpent: like the deaf asp that stoppeth her ears:
6 Which will not hear the voice of the charmers; nor of the wizard that charmeth wisely.
7 God shall break in pieces their teeth in their mouth: the Lord shall break the grinders of the lions.
8 They shall come to nothing, like water running down; he hath bent his bow till they be weakened.
9 Like wax that melteth they shall be taken away: fire hath fallen on them, and they shall not see the sun.
10 Before your thorns could know the brier;he swalloweth them up, as alive, in his wrath.
11 The just shall rejoice when he shall see the revenge: he shall wash his hands in the blood of the sinner.
12 And man shall say: If indeed there be fruit to the just: there is indeed a God that judgeth them on the earth.



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Posted in Book of Psalms.

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