Chapter 28

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The wicked man fleeth, when no man pursueth: but the just, bold as a lion, shall be without dread.
2 For the sins of the land many are the princes thereof: and for the wisdom of a man, and the knowledge of those things that are said, the life of the prince shall be prolonged.
3 A poor man that oppresseth the poor, is like a violent shower, which bringeth a famine.
4 They that forsake the law, praise the wicked man: they that keep it, are incensed against him.
5 Evil men think not on judgment: but they that seek after the Lord, take notice of all things.
6 Better is the poor man walking in his simplicity, than the rich in crooked ways.
7 He that keepeth the law, is a wise son: but he that feedeth gluttons, shameth his father.
8 He that heapeth together riches by usury and loan, gathereth them for him that will be bountiful to the poor.
9 He that turneth away his ears from hearing the law, his prayer shall be an abomination.
10 He that deceiveth the just in a wicked way, shall fall in his own destruction: and the upright shall possess his goods.
11 The rich man seemeth to himself wise: but the poor man that is prudent shall search him out.

12 In the joy of the just there is great glory:when the wicked reign, men are ruined.
13 He that hideth his sins, shall not prosper: but he that shall confess, and forsake them, shall obtain mercy.
14 Blessed is the man that is always fearful: but he that is hardened in mind shall fall into evil.
15 As a roaring lion, and a hungry bear, so is a wicked prince over the poor people.
16 A prince void of prudence shall oppress many by calumny: but he that hateth covetousness, shall prolong his days.
17 A man that doth violence to the blood of a person, if he flee even to the pit, no man will stay him.
18 He that walketh uprightly, shall be saved:he that is perverse in his ways, shall fall at once.
19 He that tilleth his ground, shall be filled with bread: but he that followeth idleness, shall be filled with poverty.
20 A faithful man shall be much praised: but he that maketh haste to be rich, shall not be innocent.
21 He that hath respect to a person in judgment, doth not well: such a man even for a morsel of bread forsaketh the truth.
22 A man that maketh haste to be rich, and envieth others, is ignorant that poverty shall come upon him.
23 He that rebuketh a man, shall afterward find favour with him, more than he that by a flattering tongue deceiveth him.
24 He that stealeth any thing from his father, or from his mother: and saith, This is no sin, is the partner of a murderer.
26 He that boasteth and puffeth up himself, stirreth up quarrels: but he that trusteth in the Lord, shall be healed.
26 He that trusteth in his own heart, is a fool:but he that walketh wisely, he shall be saved.
27 He that giveth to the poor shall not want: he that despiseth his intreaty, shall suffer indigence.
28 When the wicked rise up, men shall hide themselves: when they perish, the just shall be multiplied.



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Posted in Book of Proverbs.

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